Current Events 10-2-15

On Monday, September 28, headlines on Time News are reading, “Early stage breast cancer may not require chemo.”
In topicality, this is categorized as a health matter, and shows the results of a long anticipated study, in which verifies that tumors might respond to drug therapy by itself.
Researchers have recently reported that there is a sufficient amount of backed up evidence that shows hormone-based anti-tumor drugs may be the answer to a longer life and a chance at a cancer free life for some women.
The fundamental acknowledgment to finding these women lies in a test based on genes, named OncotypeDX, that scans 21 genes in a tumor that makes a portfolio of the tumors features and it strengths and weaknesses. Studies, recently up to date, have tested OncotypeDX’s estimated capabilities using samples of tumors. There has been trials designed to test a random women to participate in therapy without chemotherapy, in order to collect findings of the risk of recurrence after five years.
The trial, the Trail Assigning Individualized Options for Treatment, or (TailorX) comprised 10,253 women diagnosed with breast cancer made it noticeable as to whether the tumors responded to the hormone therapy. About 16% of the woman tested in the study responded and did remarkably well. With a 99% survival rate they had less than a 2% chance of reoccurrence at all.
This affects me because people in my family have been diagnosed with breast cancer . The emotional toll on the patient and their family runs high. Luckily she survived and remains free of cancer’s overpowering reins. Cancer can ruin lives and it overpowers the body, which is scary to anyone who has it or is surrounded by it.
This affects the world, because new treatments are being found. Many people rely on new treatment so that their loved ones or themselves can be cured of harsh diseases, such as cancer. I think that this is a good thing in the world because not only women, but men can get this type of cancer and with new treatments available the survival rate just crawls higher and higher.
