Minecraft: Building the wall

Today we had to finish building the wall that will protect our house. Once we do that we place a sign in front of our wall so nobody will enter. Mine craft is boring and difficult, but I think it will be fun to see the ending product for our recrafted city.

Minecraft Math Project

So..we are getting a new math project. It has to do with the now popular video game called  Minecraft. Though I do not enjoy video games, nor do I enjoy Minecraft, I would much rather participate in this activity more than I would enjoy doing pencil and paper work every day when I go into math class. I find Minecraft being a waste of time to me, it feels other peoples days with joy. I find the graphics of this popular game vet poor quality for the cost of this game. I am not looking forward to the unjoyful disgrace  that will come upon me during this project but I am also very thankful and blessed to have the people in my school that have payed for this, and I am very glad that I will be able to play other than do a boring pencil and paper task.


The Gift of Touch

Out of all five senses that exist. There is only one that is my absolute favorite. That one would be touch. Touch is an absolutely amazing thing.    Though all the senses are really such a blessing, touch just happens to be my biggest blessing. It really has an impact on my life.

Without the sense of touch, I wouldn’t be able to play my favorite sport. Which is cheer leading. Cheer leading is a big part of my life. Without touch I would be completely incapable of  participating in it.   One other big deal is hugs. If you are a super lovable person like me and absolutely love hugs you would understand where I am coming from. Hugs are great and enjoyable. Without touch you wouldn’t be able to feel the love of  a hug or feel the warmth when you are cold.  Without touch you wouldn’t be able to feel the things around you. Without touch you could seriously hurt yourself..even though you wouldn’t feel it. It still is not a good thing. Touch has been and always will be my favorite. Though a disadvantage of touch would be pain..if you didn’t have it you wouldn’t be able to feel the good and better things in life.

Without touch my life would be different, and would definitely go down hill.  I wouldn’t be able to have near as much fun, feel all the love, or be able to do and participate in all the joy that life brings you. Having the sense of touch is such a big blessing. I think I would fall apart if it weren’t for it!

My Hero: Rock Solid

                                                             Rock Solid

Everybody has that one person in their life that they can trust and turn to at anytime. Your rock. Someone who has the light of Christ shining through them so bright that it is almost blinding. Always there for you. Capable of leading my life down the right path. Well, I have that one person!

My mother is my favorite person that walks the Earth. No matter what I do she will always love me and care for me. She is a person true to her word and never lies. If I didn’t have her I would be falling so hard and nobody would be there to catch me.


Anytime I need her she is right by my side, through the thick and thin, standing guard over me. She is a role model who has taught me to fight my insecurities and to not care what other people think of me. I feed off of how she acts and who she is. She has taught me to push myself and to stay “one” with the Lord.


Having a dedicated mother like her is such a blessing. Her caretaking and unconditional love is beyond what I could ever ask for, because surprisingly there are people out there who don’t care about their child and leave their child longing to be loved.


No matter what curve balls life may throw, she stands next to me and takes my pain away, not letting my spirit down. She does not let my insecurities get the best of me by reminding me how beautiful I am inside and out and keeps me focused. And after everything we have been through and the storms God has asked her to walk through, she is still dedicated. Standing up; rock solid, like one big mighty hero.

My Poem

Glorious Golden Gates

You knitted me together

you love me in any kind of weather

I am your servant

you are my shepherd


you created me for a reason

to live eternally forever

I know I won’t die

you’ve said it in scripture forever



till’ the day I die, I’ll wonder

what I have been living under

I really do wonder

what is it like in front of those glorious golden gates?

I really can barely wait



one day you’ll come

my heart beating like a drum

we will lift off the ground

to your heavenly place

and I will stand to enter at your glorious golden gates



you’ll let me in

my eyes will a wonder

how something this great could even exist

I could describe it, but it’d be too long of a list



heaven,oh heaven

this glorious place

Thank you God

for letting me enter

through those glorious golden gates


Robotics Competition

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White Oak Intermediate team standings out of 148 teams:
Kenya 2 placed 7th with 940 points
Kenya 1 placed 38th with 560 points
Bangladesh placed 48th with 475 points
El Salvador placed 73rd with 275 points
Vietnam placed 74th with 265 points

School’s out for Summer! Happy Summer!

I am sure none of you guys will be reading this because you are on vacation or out of the house having a great time!!!!♥ I hope you all have a great summer!I may not be on this summer as much as I usually am in the school year because I am going off to camp for 2 weeks and I am going to visit family out of state for a week and a half just me by myself! NO PARENTS ON THE PLANE!!! WOOOHOOO! And we will be going on a family vacation!!!! I hope you guys have a good summer and have plans to do fun things! Even if you don’t go on vacation or have any plans don’t sit inside watching TV or playing video games, call a friend and make arrangements, or go outside and swim or get some sun, or go play or do whatever you guys do! Have a  great and safe  summer! Stay busy like me! Make the most out of your summer before we have to go back to school! I’ll make a few post throughout the Summer! Have a great one! OHH… and one more thing before you go!!!!!! Just because it is summer and there isn’t church on Wednesday doesn’t mean you can stop praying to God and reading the Bible, and walk with God! So actually… Have a great and Blessed and Walk through Summer with God by your side!!!♥♥